Batman and the Outsiders #12 - Critical Analysis

Here it is, as promised, the second half of Katana's long-awaited(ish) origin story. And by second half, I mean ENTIRE ORIGIN since Part 1 was about the worst ninja in the world stealing her sword and leaving her a poor man's copy with no souls in it. Tatsu promptly left for Japan, to which the rest of the Outsiders followed her (actually, got there first). Meanwhile, Takeo the Bad Ninja, working for a Yakuza boss called Noguri, summons up five fighters killed by the blade to kill rival crime bosses and Katana herself. Because the guys you want on your missions are the guys that previously FAILED and got KILLED. Of course this time they include Tatsu's late husband! Oh, the angst!

Three days a week for the next couple of weeks, tie yourself up in your chair so you don't (can't) miss one minute of the Outsiders action. It's not like the cover, folks! The Outsiders don't just mill around in the background waiting to jump in like so many Shaw Bros. stuntmen. We'll find out what Japan has in common with Gotham City, marvel at the Outsiders' terrible battle strategies, discover how Katana became a housewife, and for one Outsider, it will mean DEATH. I'm not kidding, place your bets.

So join me, won't you? As we over-criticize the series I just love to hate, only on the SBG!


Wriphe said…
Oh, no, not DEATH to an Outsider! Why can't it be DEATH for all the Outsiders?
Siskoid said…
It's even worse than you think.
Anonymous said…
Even worse? What, like an ongoing "Katana" monthly?
Jeff R. said…
So, a few seconds after that cover they both cut the other one in half, right? I mean, neither of those two swords aren't in any possible way impeding the other one's forward progress...

(Or are they actually doing shadow-puppets, trying to explain the concept of 'scissors' to Halo?)
Siskoid said…
Anon: Shhh. The Outsiders' continued "success" is a sore point with me.

Jeff: Looks like fist-pounding to me. They're making up, they are! I think they're going to be alllll right.