Doctors of the Borderlands

My friends know I'm deep into Doctor Who, even if they may not be, and here I must thank one such friend, known in these parts as Idiot Brigade, for sending me a screenshot of Borderlands 2 that references the first four Doctors.
Let me get that text up to a more legible size:
That's right, it's a brief eulogy for engineers who recently died in an accident, engineers with very familiar names.

Siskoid's Blog of Geekery - collecting your Doctor Who references since 2006.


idiotbrigade said…
I'm sure there's more in the game; maybe a TARDIS somewhere in Opportunity, or an in-game Item that refers to Dr. Who again, but I'm having a hard time getting beyond my Psycho screaming "I'M THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!" or "NIPPLE SALADS!" to focus on such stuff. If I see more, I'll try and grab it too.
Unknown said…
There are a few others; Krieg the Psycho actually says a few sometimes after a duel, including "It's the end, but the meat has been prepared!"

The game's main villain is Handsome Jack. He's named after Jack Harkness, who was referred to by that name in "The Sound of Drums"
Unknown said…
Oh, and now that I think about it, since you're also big on Shakespeare, Psycho enemies will sometimes quote the entire "Too Too Solid Flesh" soliloquy from Hamlet.

On that note, sometimes the slow-witted Goliath enemies say "Good night, sweet prince..." and "I am slain!" as they die.
Siskoid said…
Did they make this game for me?
d said…
Any thoughts on the missing episode rumor Bleeding Cool put out today?
Siskoid said…
That would be awesome, but I'll believe when I see it.