Black Vulcan Wishes YOU a Good Vulcanalia

It's today! August 23rd! Vulcan's day! Start your celebrations, and Vesuvius, you start grumbling, baby! Bonfires and sacrificing fish are both indicated, my Pagan brothers and sisters!

Me? I'm gonna chill (ha! I made a Vulcanalian funny!) seeing as I already exceeded my usual word count this week.


jdh417 said…
What? No comment on Ben Affleck as Batman? I'm disappointed, but then again, everybody else seems to be voicing one. Dare to be different.
Siskoid said…
Black Vulcan responded "No comment" on that one. And "I won't be taking any more questions."

How to end a press conference FAST.
American Hawkman said…
Ever hear about Alex Ross' intended Black Vulcan origin, Siskoid? It's an interesting idea.
Siskoid said…
I don't believe so. I should check into it?
American Hawkman said…
It's worthwhile... ties the character into the Marvel Family, and offered a different take on him other than I was expecting.