Reign of the Supermen #499: Super-Lamp

Source: Elite Fixtures' blog (2013)
Type: Spoof
Action Comics #1, along with a bunch of other classic comics covers, got the lamp treatment on - of all places - a lamp store's blog, which are all quite good at emulating the relevant artist's style and integrating home lighting implements into the action. Bizarre, but fun.

What the cover above only hints at is that the Lamp of Tomorrow had a long and rich history going back to the Golden Age of lighting. He was active even back in the Edison days when he made his greatest enemy by accidentally burning the lampshade off a young genius called Lux Luthor. (And the derivative Captain MaxLite strip of course followed suit with a similarly bulb-exposed villain called Dr. Sylvania.) Yep, a rich and ridiculous history...


Toby'c said…
Heh, Linkara would love this - superhero comic books and lamps.
Delta said…
Oh, dear -- that poor lamp that got broken by Bane!
Siskoid said…
It mysteriously got better.
Unknown said…
I know these aren't in any particular order but I think if I did 500 Supermen I'd get to Ultiman before a lamp. Grumble.
Siskoid said…
That one takes a bit more research, haha. But I'll try to make you happy sooner than later.

Now what do I do for a very special #500..?