Sugar & Spike Halloween Paper Dolls

A bit late, but last week's sheer tonnage of Doctor Who content consumed all my research efforts. Here are paper dolls for your holiday needs.
I don't know why they reversed Sugar and Spike like that, so that one's costume's can't be applied to the other. Why would Sugar want to wear the old man's beard, for example? Of course, putting Sugar's costumes on Spike will sometimes result in him getting his sister's hairstyle. Hm.

But enjoy regardless. Me, I'm putting Spike in the pumpkin costume and Sugar in the "Raggedy Cinderella" outfit. You?


Martin Gray said…
Very cute. They weren't siblings, mind, just good friends!
Siskoid said…
Unknown said…
They are Pillsbury-doughboy-cute.....They probably look like the person who drew them. :)
Siskoid said…
Sheldon Mayer? Somehow I doubt it, though I've never seen his baby pictures.
d said…
We need a weekly Sugar & Spike feature on this page! Seriously, one of my favorite series ever, soooo underrated.
Siskoid said…
I'll take that under advisement!