Siskoid's Comics Recollected - March 1984

Siskoid's Comics Recollected is a nostalgic video series in which I go back in time to the first months of my buying American comics. And whatever YOU remember, I'm interested in too!

Related images
Some classic Metal Men forms from DC Comics Presents #70:
Badass Rogue takes down the Helicarrier with a coin:
Related links
What If... the Hulk Went Berserk?

This project would just not be possible without Mike's Amazing World of Comics and its comics-by-release-date database.

What comics did YOU get in March of 1984? Or alternately, in your 11th month of reading comics (ooh, almost a year)?


SallyP said…
You know, taking out the Helicarrier with a quarter is actually...pretty cool.
Siskoid said…
Right? How could I resit the untouchable girl?
Jeff R. said…
Okay, March of 1980. Still following Marvel's Star Trek with #3, Never not getting DCCP (#22 had Captain Comet). The striking cover of #286 made me pick up that Rainbow Raider story, which led to my giving Flash a try.

Speaking of Firestorm, though, he joined the JLA in #179 in a story with one of the best/most 80's comics titles ever, "Siren Song of the Satin Satan".

Superman 348 was another one-shot probably written from the cover forward. Action #508 concluded the excellent Pa Kent time travel story, Adventure #472 kept doing what it was doing, and Legion #264 gave the middle part of the short Tyroc-centric story. I got New Adventures of Superboy 6 but have no memory of it, and have no idea if I picked up Fantastic Four 219 or not; probably not.

Flashing forward to 1984, that month had Myth Adventures #1, which was my first non "big two" book. (And Foglio would be the first creator I would be particularly aware of and seek out work by.)
Siskoid said…
I read the Myth books, but wasn't even aware there were comics adaptations.

Going back to March 1980 to see if I got some of those books later... nothing really rings a bell except for the books I covered in toto on the SBG (Trek, Rom and What If?). Boy, Marvel sure had a lot of reprint books back then.