Self-Baned! Or Why This Isn't a Torchwood RPG Post

A couple of days ago, I slipped on some ice and made a split-second decision to keep myself from tumbling down a hill. Threw out my back staying right side up, and was in a good deal of pain for a couple days, too much to sit at a computer and write a long post like those "Seasons of DWAITAS" articles demand, in addition to the rest of my work load. It feels a lot better now, so expect the promised entry tomorrow!


Tim Knight said…
Sorry to hear about slip. Hope your back recovers quickly. Take care.
Anonymous said…
Feel better, guy!

Doctor Anonymous prescribes naproxen sodium and a hot bath. And cartoons, lots of cartoons.
googum said…
May your recovery be as complete as Batman's! Get well soon!
SallyP said…
Ouch! I hope you vowed revenge against the Ice. I also hope you will be feeling better soon.
Craig Oxbrow said…
Get well soon. Sounds like you're on the mend, which is good.
Siskoid said…
Dont't worry about me kids, I'm back to work and have been upgraded from wounded to sore, and event that's migrating to stiff.

It's just the damn TW post I couldn't get through by the time I got to it.
Martin Léger said…
Just like Batman, Siskoid is only human. It's only a matter of time before he starts taking Venom to write blog posts.
Siskoid said…
Hope you enjoy Azrael's posts in the meantime.
Doc Savage said…
Hope you feel better.

Ice? In January? You crazy Canadians.
Peder said…
Yikes! Hope you feel better soon.