The Princess Is In Another Castle

My good friend @MartyLight wants for people to use this classic phrase from the old Super Mario games to become a well-worn euphemism already. And I have to agree. We should be saying to mark disappointment, specifically in cases where you wasted a lot of time in the wrong place, or doing something the wrong way.

I went to the comic book shop on a Tuesday, but the princess was in another castle.

I put a lot of effort into that relationship, only to find out the princess is in another castle.

If you think this comic book crossover event is going to be anything more than a padded cash grab, you're looking for the princess in the wrong castle.

See? Variations. Start using it. I want to wake up in a year and be sick of hearing it. Make it the next Gangnam Style.


SallyP said…
That is a very apt phrase, and infinitely adaptable! I too went ot the Comic Book store looking for Young Avengers, but alas, that Princess was in another Castle as well.
KeithZediker said…
I've been reading this blog for over 2 years, but the princess is in another castle.

^First use of the phrase to troll!
Siskoid said…
Keith: I think IdiotBrigade (AKA Furn) is gonna be sore with you for doing it first.
idiotbrigade said…
Please; I'm streets ahead when it comes trolling Siskoid.

It's dangerous to go alone; take this!
Doc Savage said…
the next gangman wha?
Siskoid said…
That settles it. You really ARE commenting from back in the 80s. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Urban Dictionary!!
Moriarty said…
I'm SO in! And I agree with you...

I just know when we finally hit the end of all this Forever Evil nonsense, the princess is gonna be in another castle.
Siskoid said…
You're right, Pinky! The Urban Dictionary has listing!
Doc Savage said…
Tell it to my Ray-Ban Wayfarers and skinny tie.