The Tenth Doctor: The Character Sheet

In the spirit of each successive series seen as a Doctor Who RPG campaign, David handed in his character sheet before leaving.
Stuff that didn't fit on the sheet, kept on the back...

*The Doctor has a +3 Knowledge Frivolous Talent in Pop Culture, and a +2 Marksman Expertise in Thrown Objects.

Attractive (Minor)
Boffin (Major)
Brave (Minor)
Charming (Minor)
Crack Shot (Minor)
Devotion (Minor) - To Rose
Friends (Minor) - UNIT
Indomitable (Major)
Keen Senses (Minor) - The Doctor's sense of taste is so accute, he can detemine the properties of an object by licking it
Percussive Maintenance (Minor)
Psychic (Minor)
Resourceful Pockets (Minor)
Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow (Major)
Run for Your Life! (Minor)
Sense of Direction (Minor)
Technically Adept (Minor)
Time Traveller (Major) - All Tech levels
Voice of Authority (Minor)

Adversaries (Major) - The Daleks, The Cybermen, The Master
Code of Conduct (Major) - Always gives his enemies an opportunity to put a stop to their evil plans before he puts a stop to them himself
Eccentric/Motormouth (Minor) - The Doctor talks a mile a minute, throwing in jokes and pop culture references, getting lost in (spoken) thought and going off on tangents
Eccentric/Narcissist (Minor) - The Doctor's self-love manifests in a number of ways, from arrogance, smugness and rudeness to self-serving self pity; at his worst, he may dare break the Laws of Time
Eccentric/Survivor's Guilt (Minor) - The Doctor still feels guilty for the part he played in the Time War which can manifest as a death wish, and often needs a companion to stop him and keep his moods in check
Impulsive (Minor)
Insatiable Curiosity (Minor)
Last of My Kind (Minor)
Random Regenerator (Major)

Feel the Turn of the Universe
Special: Resist Regeneration - The Doctor can delay the start of regeneration by burning Story Points for every scene he wants to play after its onset; if he finds an in-story reason why he should not regenerate at all (as judged by the GameMaster), he may not regenerate at all!
Telepathy - Requires touch
Time Lord
Time Lord (Experienced)

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The Doctor's guilt is his principal Story Point engine. When someone's fate is extreme and final, just as Gallifrey's was, he lets it weigh on him heavily, accepting an inevitable result that might not be so inevitable with Story Point expenditure, taking needless risks in response to the situation, or refusing things that might actually be psychologically beneficial.

Now available: The 10th Doctor character sheet bundle in high quality printable pdf (+ blank sheet).


LiamKav said…
I wondered if it was possible to put "fanboy" on as a trait for the actor, since DT is apparently responsible for sometimes using "Sarah" in School Reunion rather than the scripted "Sarah Jane", as well as getting the credits changed from "Doctor Who" to "The Doctor". Something to show the actor putting in references to past version of the show/game.
Siskoid said…
That's something that has more to do with the GM-player relationship than anything mechanically-derived in the rules.

David would be an obsessive player that read all the old campaign notes etc.
LiamKav said…
As I bet Peter was. And, er, new Peter will be.
Peder said…
I mostly enjoyed Tennant. When he was given good writing, he was a joy to watch.