Amy and Rory: The Character Sheets

In the spirit of each successive series seen as a Doctor Who RPG campaign, Karen and Arthur have handed in their character sheets before leaving. We'll start with Karen:
Stuff that didn't fit on the sheet, kept on the back...

*Amy has a +2 Craft Expertise in Writing, and a +2 Subterfuge Expertise in Lockpicking.

Attractive (Minor)
Brave (Minor)
Charming (Minor)
Empathic (Minor)
Indomitable (Major)
Inspiring Love (Minor) - Rory
Percussive Maintenance (Minor)
Run For Your Life! (Minor)
Stubborn (Minor) - she IS Scottish
Voice of Authority (Minor)

Argumentative (Minor)
Distinctive (Minor)
Impulsive (Minor)
Insatiable Curiosity (Minor)

Impossible Memories - The universe poured into our head through a crack in spacetime as she was growing up and as a result, Amy can remember several possible timelines and multiple versions of her own life (is at +2 to make the requisite Awareness + Knowledge rolls)

Because of the power she holds over the two men in her life, Amy is often torn between them. By taking sides, or pitting them against one another (jealousy games, etc.), she creates opportunities for THEM to make emotional mistakes and stock up on points. When these have a negative impact on her, those opportunities become hers as well.

And Arthur's sheet:
Stuff that didn't fit on the sheet, kept on the back...

*Rory has a +2 Fighting Expertise in Swords.

Brave (Minor)
Face in the Crowd (Minor)
Hot Shot (Minor)
Inspiring Love (Minor) - Amy
Run for Your Life! (Minor)

Argumentative (Minor)
Code of Conduct (Minor)
Eccentric/Insecure (Minor) - Rory wears his heart on his sleeve, which makes him easy to hurt or frighten emotionally; if he thinks he might lose Amy or be humiliated in front of her, he will over react and usually put his foot in his mouth
Unadventurous (Minor Major Minor Major Minor Major Minor Major) - Rory has "died", added a level of the Unadventurous Trait to be brought back, then bought that level off so many times, he's no longer sure how often it's happened

Impossible Memories - Rory can open the door in his mind to his memories as the Last Centurion, 2000 years guarding the Pandorica as a plastic Roman; he may use this ability to give any of his Skills a +2 bonus, so long as he can explain how he might have learned that ability during those millennia


It started because he couldn't be present every game in his first series, but it soon became a kind os inside joke - Rory was always dying. He went with it. By sacrificing himself, or often just playing dead and letting the GM scare the other players into thinking it was for good this time, Rory accumulated a fair number of Story Points, many of which would then be used to buy off the Unadventurous Trait before the character had to leave the game permanently. Probably because this became the group's big joke, the GM let him do it way more than any player in the history of the game would ever have been able to.

Now available: The 11th Doctor character sheet bundle in high quality printable pdf (+ blank sheet).


Unknown said…
Is it only me or that is something wrong with colour on the 11th Doctor sheets? :|
Siskoid said…
Makes for an odd contrast I agree.