The 11th Doctor: The Character Sheet

In the spirit of each successive series seen as a Doctor Who RPG campaign, Matt has handed in his character sheets before leaving.
Stuff that didn't fit on the sheet, kept on the back...

*The Doctor has a +2 Athletics Expertise in Football, a +2 Craft Expertise in Painting, a +3 Science Doctorate in Temporal Physics, and a +2 Technology Expertise in TARDIS Operations.

Animal Friendship (Minor) - The Doctor claims to speak animal languages, such as cat and horse, an ability that seems to extend to pre-verbal babies
Boffin (Major)
Brave (Minor)
Charming (Minor)
Devotion (Minor) - To Amy Pond; the Doctor can hardly stop himself from going back and seeing her even after technically leaving her behind, and would fall into a depression if kept from her permanently
Friends (Minor) - River Song, UNIT
Indomitable (Major)
Keen Senses (Minor) - The Doctor's sense of taste is so acute, he can determine the properties of an object by licking it
Percussive Maintenance (Minor)
Photographic Memory (Major)
Psychic (Minor)
Quick Reflexes (Minor)
Resourceful Pockets (Minor)
Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow (Major)
Run for Your Life! (Minor)
Technically Adept (Minor)
Time Traveller (Major) - All Tech levels
Voice of Authority (Minor)

Adversaries (Major) - The Daleks, The Cybermen, The Silence
Code of Conduct (Major)
Dark Secret (Minor) - The Doctor lies and keeps secrets, often to prevent paradoxes; currently, he keeps the cracks in spacetime from Amy the fact he met Clara twice before and that she died
Distinctive (Minor)
Eccentric/Bowties Are Cool (Minor) - The Doctor insists certain things are cool, even when every one around him disagrees; he is particularly fond of bowties and fezes, for example
Eccentric/Child-Like (Minor) - The Doctor is really a child in a grown man's body, energetic and impatient, unaware of adult niceties, and as a consequence, relates better to children than to grown-ups
Impulsive (Minor)
Insatiable Curiosity (Minor)
Last of My Kind (Minor)
Obsession (Major) - See amazing places
Random Regenerator (Major)

Feel the Turn of the Universe
Telepathy - Requires touch
Time Lord
Time Lord (Experienced)

The Doctor has an arrangement with the GameMaster that allows the GM to set things into motion that will cause problems for the Time Lord. For example, the GM once killed him in front of his companions, then left it up to him to get out of that conundrum. The River Song NPC is another example of a threat in the Doctor's midst. For a quick Story Point here and there, the Doctor uses his awkwardness with human mores to put people off, saying the wrong thing or attracting attention to himself, etc.

Now available: The complete 11th Doctor character sheet bundle in high quality printable pdf (+ blank sheet).


Piotr M. said…
Already? I hope there will be 50th Anniversary also as mini campaign :(
Piotr M. said…
Ok ok. It's just a little out of sequence :P But that will be probably th last article in that project so I don't mind :)
Siskoid said…
I usually put up the character sheet before the write-up.

I WILL do one on the K9 series.

And of course, the feature will be back at the end of every season as they occur. There may be some waiting involved.