Can't Keep... the Red Bee... Away...

From Hit Comics #22.

Ow my head. I didn't get clubbed like the Bee or anything, but doing podcast-related stuff until two in the morning in the middle of a heat wave didn't do me any favors. Feel like I'm going to pass out. Come to think of it, I woke up in a room different from the one I went to bed in, so if I do pass out, who knows where I'll wake up this time? This, after a  long day at work where I was the only employee to show up; everyone else took the day to give themselves a four-day weekend. I don't begrudge them the move, I just couldn't afford to. And then I get home exactly 5 minutes after the postman left a note to come and get a package "today", but did he mean tomorrow? Or is it really open on Canada Day?

Ah yes, Two Weeks of Pain Day 9 coincides with Canada Day, and usually I'd have some awesome post about the Great White North for you, so I'm going to work through the fatigue and have something up in due course. [Hits snooze button]
