To Me, My Hammer! The Marvel/DC Crossover You Haven't Heard About

Guys, open DC's Tales of the Unexpected #16 (1957) and you'll find a story called "The Magic Hammer" by Jack Kirby, where he drew an icon of the Marvel Universe for the first time and five years early. No, not Thor. The DCU's Thor is in this, but a red-bearded viking god quite unlike Marvel's "Goldilocks" (you might also have seen that version in Sandman's Season of the Mists). No, I'm talking about Mjolnir!
That's the same design he would use for Marvel-Thor's Uru hammer. You think it's too late for a lawsuit?


Delta said…
Fascinating. Might that actually explain why Marvel's Thor then had to be different from the usual legendary profile (blonde, clean-shaven, etc.)?
Siskoid said…
What do you have in mind?