Strip-Cocker (Safe for Work, I Swear!)

Boule et Bill is a popular Belgian bande dessinée, created in 1959 by writer-artist Jean Roba in collaboration with Maurice Rosy. Each album was often comprised of one-page humor strips, though I do believe there were longer tales. What I always found strange was that the dog was called Bill and the kid Boule (which means ball), but then I never came across this particular later-day album, which outstranges the strange. I know Europe is a whole other planet, but Strip-Cocker? I mean, I thought at first I was looking at the cover of some foreign-language translation, but no, that's the French (and English) title! And as you can see, Bill is dancing up a storm (though he has little in the way of clothing to "strip". That turtle sure is getting excited. Not sure about little voyeur Boule though.

I suppose there's nothing rude or inappropriate about the writer using Bill's breed - he's a Cocker Spaniel - in the title, but sheesh...


Martin Gray said…
You so need to buy that book!
Siskoid said…
Do I?

I've read a lot of B&B strips and while well crafted, I don't expect this to be anything more than a joke-a-page collection of strips.

But if I DON'T buy it, I can continue to imagine it as a dark journey into despair as Bill's options are whittled down from dancing for money to letting turtles come to his doghouse for something "extra".
belgian loulanne said…
Well, I can tell you it's a classic "Boule & Bill", you'd be disapointed :)
However, I read it when I was 10, and since, I've never noticed what you show here, even if it's obvious ... What have you done with my childhood? ^^
Siskoid said…
Et je demande vous demande pardon.