Reaganocomics: POTUS Baptises Booster Gold

It happened in Booster Gold #9 (Oct 1986). Ronald "The Gipper" Reagan and his best pal George "1000 Points of Light" Bush were kidnapped by a face-changing assassin hired by the 1000 (oh that's a sinister coincidence... OR IS IT?!) called Chiller. Do they show fear? Nossir.
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?! Republican presidents, ever the action men. For starters, if you make it out alive, may I suggest doing something about the Secret Service's paltry performance? But as for getting the better of Chiller, not much luck. Chiller plans to kill them and take the President's face, then let a "certain senator" "rescue" him so he can be made VP for when the "weakened" Reagan has to resign. But it's Skeets to the rescue!
And then Booster and the Legion of Super-Heroes. And the Reagan-Bush ticket is saved. Of course, only Booster gets a medal.
And there you have it, how Ronald Reagan basically named a tongue-tied Booster Gold. Isn't history fascinating?


Anonymous said…
The "1000 points of light" speech didn't happen until 1988, so you can make a case that George H Bush got the idea from this very comic.
Boosterrific said…
Booster Gold was so quintessentially 80s Americana -- from his Risky Business upturned collar to his "greed is good" philosophy -- no one other than Ronald Reagan could have endorsed his debut. Except maybe Max Headroom.