I've long promised some of my DC Heroes RPG players circa 1990 to find, scan and print the Who's Who pages I'd made for their characters, and I keep my threats promises! Some of these are in the color, others aren't, but most were traced and modified from pre-existing heroes (see if you can guess which ones before tracking your mouse over the image for the answer). They're a good example of the extra credit work I like to do for my players, giving them a more immersive experience. After all, if their PCs lived in the DC Universe, they'd have their own entries in Who's Who, right? Today, the Internet and Photoshop would make a lot of this easier, but back then I thought I was pretty slick with my photocopier access and Pagemaker 1.0.
Renegade (Shawn): Putting him up first because he's most recently asked to see this article see the light of day, his Renegade has absolutely nothing to do with Wolverine, honest! ;-)
The Raven (Eric): No relation to the New Teen Titan of the same name, this Raven has a retro aviator/mystery man look, and a connection to Hawkman I don't think we ever got to explore.
Salémi (Marie-France): Having taken the Leadership Advantage, M-F, a leader in real life took the team's reigns as well. I think "Free Spirits" was her unusual idea for team name, but as I recall, it was decided on by the characters in the first session. Salémi was the only character to carry over into the next "season" of the game when we all moved to the same town the next year, so she led two different groups of Free Spirits. Don't call her Salami, she hates it.
Omen (Wayne): As a proud Native Canadian, Wayne was sure to represent in the game. Note the reference to Omen as an "Indian", which was done at Wayne's behest. He really hated what he thought of as euphemisms like Amerind and Native. Today, that should all be replaced with "First Nations".
Carbon Copy (McSween): A character that didn't last past a first session because the player soon found out he hadn't selected the right powers and abilities in chargen for what he really wanted to do (true shapeshifting). I take full responsibility for misinterpreting his concept when helping him stat out the character. Ultimately his lack of experience with RPGs and 4-color comics made him drift away before the Free Spirits' second adventure.
Aubrey Caine (Manon): Another recruit with no experience in either gaming or superhero comics, Manon went for a thoroughly UN-superhero-y concept and it was amusing to me that the most powerful member of the team was a civilian. She didn't last very long as a player - the only complete "n00b" who stuck around played Salémi - but it was a nice idea.
Neutron (me): Included for completeness' sake because I've mentioned him before, Neutron was my NPC coordinator dude who stayed aboard the team's commandeered JLA Satellite. But this is the first time I've shown his complete Who's Who entry.
Do YOU remember your first homemade superheroes?
Renegade (Shawn): Putting him up first because he's most recently asked to see this article see the light of day, his Renegade has absolutely nothing to do with Wolverine, honest! ;-)
The Raven (Eric): No relation to the New Teen Titan of the same name, this Raven has a retro aviator/mystery man look, and a connection to Hawkman I don't think we ever got to explore.
Salémi (Marie-France): Having taken the Leadership Advantage, M-F, a leader in real life took the team's reigns as well. I think "Free Spirits" was her unusual idea for team name, but as I recall, it was decided on by the characters in the first session. Salémi was the only character to carry over into the next "season" of the game when we all moved to the same town the next year, so she led two different groups of Free Spirits. Don't call her Salami, she hates it.
Omen (Wayne): As a proud Native Canadian, Wayne was sure to represent in the game. Note the reference to Omen as an "Indian", which was done at Wayne's behest. He really hated what he thought of as euphemisms like Amerind and Native. Today, that should all be replaced with "First Nations".
Carbon Copy (McSween): A character that didn't last past a first session because the player soon found out he hadn't selected the right powers and abilities in chargen for what he really wanted to do (true shapeshifting). I take full responsibility for misinterpreting his concept when helping him stat out the character. Ultimately his lack of experience with RPGs and 4-color comics made him drift away before the Free Spirits' second adventure.
Aubrey Caine (Manon): Another recruit with no experience in either gaming or superhero comics, Manon went for a thoroughly UN-superhero-y concept and it was amusing to me that the most powerful member of the team was a civilian. She didn't last very long as a player - the only complete "n00b" who stuck around played Salémi - but it was a nice idea.
Neutron (me): Included for completeness' sake because I've mentioned him before, Neutron was my NPC coordinator dude who stayed aboard the team's commandeered JLA Satellite. But this is the first time I've shown his complete Who's Who entry.
Do YOU remember your first homemade superheroes?