May the Fifth Be With You

What do you mean, I'm doing it wrong?


Anonymous said…
I have it on anecdotal evidence that you can make hardcore "Star Wars" fans insanely angry by mixing up Trek and Wars. A dude I know used to work with a bunch of SW guys who would get together Fridays in costume, and so he asked if he could come with them; he even has a uniform and has mastered the Vulcan salute. Since it was a workplace setting, the response was polite, but it involved a red face and throbbing vein on the temple.

Trek fans are used to being laughed at, and have a little humility. It's healthy.
Siskoid said…
I love to needle Wars fans for their obsession with a 12-hour franchise, only about 5 of which are any good, when my fandoms require 700 hours to get through.

Star Wars: Its fan base is made up of geek-tourists.

(There are of course real SW geeks, and they're deeply into the expanded universe stuff. But usually, they'll geek out about other stuff as well. The strict Wars geek is usually just slumming it.)

And that's how you start a "star" war. MIKEDROP
"There are of course real SW geeks, and they're deeply into the expanded universe stuff."

They're the ones wearing the black armbands and weeping unpredictably every now and then. You can usually spot them on the street by the handy identifier of someone standing in front of them, shouting "What do you mean you're not excited about a new Star Wars movie? What's wrong with you?"

If you need me, I'll just be over here trying to figure out what to do with a head full of 20 years of memorized, now-useless trivia... (well, even MORE useless than sci-fi trivia usually is...)
Anonymous said…
When "Star Wars" can do the like of this ...

... I'll be impressed.

(Note the two-handed karate chop at 0:11. That one's definitely Kirk.)