3 Dinosaurs That Never Were

With Indominus Rex in the public eye right now, the SBG wanted to take a look at other dinosaurs that were never a part of nature, nor meant to be. You may THINK they're dinosaurs, but no, not quite, sorry, amend you science bibles.
Jurassic Park T-Rex: Face it, even in the first Jurassic film, the dinosaurs weren't really. The clue is in the name. None of those animals came from the Jurassic era. And while we can take exception to the way Raptors were portrayed, the movie's T-Rex was immediately recognizable as a fake because of his "frowny" eye bones. The real thing has the eyes of a dead fish, which I guess isn't scary enough for the Park's genetic engineers. Well, good job making him look malevolent. How'd that work out for ya?
Titanosaurus: There IS a real Titanosaurus, but it's not this one-time enemy of Godzilla. For one thing, the hip joints are totally wrong. The real Titanosaurus is a quadruped in the brontosaurus mold; this guys is a lot closure to Jurassic III star Spinosaurus. Which is embarrassing enough. Titanosaurus was only featured in one Godzilla film - Terror of Mechagodzilla - and never again. Not because he's extinct, but because he doesn't exist!
Ninjasaur: Long thought too stealthy even for the fossil record, it turns out the Ninjasaur is just a comic strip character. I guess that explains why he's still around kicking supervillain butt today.

BUT! After Brontosaurus was termed a valid genus (ralted to Apatosaurus) again this year (it pulled a Pluto), you never know when a fakesaurus will prove to be very real indeed. So keep an open mind! Science evolves just like the animals it studies!
