Secret Wars May 2015: My 10 Favorite Moments

I said I would, so I will. Here are my 10 favorite moments from the first month of Marvel's Secret Wars summer event. Spoilers abound, kids, I hope you're ready for that before proceeding to the body of the article.

10. They found a good use for Marvel Zombies, as a pit of vipers criminals get thrown into. I otherwise would not have cared to see this concept again.
9. What do you tell people when the world is ending? Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8 has one answer. Yeah, we'd probably buy that.
8. Tony Stark vs Ultimate Tony Stark. I bet they both think of themselves as the "ultimate" version.
7. Hercules stops drinking after stepping out of line with his god-like carousing.

6. Loki Agent of Asgard #14 rips Walt Simonson off. (The issue ends with Loki riding the Midgard Serpent, so Ragnarock and Roll!)
5. Spider-Gwen is a very bad pickpocket. Fun and charming. I don't know how she'll be integrated into a new MU, but she simply must.
4. MODOK vs. Bullseye. Who's the best assassin? Spoiler: MODOK was Designed ONLY for Killing! He's hilarious, and I like how he spends some time finding the new reality illogical and unacceptable.
3. Deadpool implants himself into the original Secret Wars (and as a bonus, in Contest of Champions). I'm happy to revisit the story in any version, really.
2. Shang-Chi doing drunken kung fu!
1. Death of two universes: The first issue of Secret Wars ends with this shocker. Wow.
What were yours?

From here on out, I'll probably be covering Secret Wars on a weekly basis. Hope you'll stick around.


American Hawkman said…
The Punisher "can't take it with you, so what do I do with all this ammo" bit is basically the platonic ideal of the character.
Anonymous said…
I don't know, I don't think Zeus would mind that his son assaulted women. That was kind of their thing.

Was that Patrianna from the Wonderella universe?
Siskoid said…
Haha, that really does look like her, but she's really Captain America 2099, and intriguing character treated as a sleeper agent. She doesn't know she's Cap - just goes to work doing data entry or whatever and gets activated, then returns to her family at the end of the day thinking she did drone work.
SallyP said…
Nekkid Odin, was a whole lot of fun. And I have to find that drunk Shang Chi book, because it looks awesome!
Siskoid said…
Issue 2 of Master of Kung Fu out today and it's just as awesome. The real standout from Secret Wars to date.
googum said…
I hate, hate, hate, all of Jonathan Hickman's title pages; up to and including the Marvel Universe's epitaph. It's a bigger waste of space than the average splash page, and I think that's saying something.

Also, that epitaph probably would've hit harder if it was the last page of the issue, instead of having a preview for Inhumans after it.
Siskoid said…
Yes a "preview" after all universes are dead kind of defeats the purpose.