Secret Origins Podcast: The Sandman

I lent my voice to three episodes of Ryan Daly's very fun Secret Origins podcast - you know the one by now, about DC's 80s comic book series, Secret Origins - and this is the second. The first half of the episode is about Guy Gardner's origin and features some no-names*, but the second has me and Ryan talking about Wesley Dodds, the original Sandman, and his secret origin from issue #7, by Roy and Dann Thomas, with art by Mike Bair and Steve Montano.


And don't forget to check out the Secret Origins Podcast every Monday HERE.

BONUS! The creepy doll Wes Dodds used to leave in his bed before donning the mantle of the Sandman, straight from his first appearance in Adventure Comics #40!
Sweet dreams. (Although I wouldn't blame you if you had trouble sleeping after this.)

*We all give each other a hard time, I'm sure the co-hosts are great.


d said…
Thanks for the rec on this podcast. I've blown through all the back eps in about a week!
Siskoid said…
I'm not sure what a "rec" is, but Ryan and I sure appreciate your patronage!
d said…
Recommendation. Sorry, I fall back on twitter speak sometimes!