Strange Secret Origins: Nazi Cocaine

So there's this old Quality Comics hero called The Unknown who once fought an evil Nazi with amazing artificial strength:
And he must be very strong, because The Unknown kind of had super-strength. So what was the "drug" that gave that Ratzie his powers? Miraclo? A super-Soldier serum? Some kind of hyper-steroid? Nope. Just COCAINE.
This all happened in National Comics #25 (1942) before the coked-up Colonel got thrown off a cliff. The missed opportunity? Running the story in Quality's Crack Comics. Ah well.

And so yes, kids. Cocaine apparently gives you super-powers. But they're NAZI super-powers. Just say no.


Toby'c said…
Linkara would love this (see his review of New Guardians #2 featuring SNOWFLAME for details).