This Is Not My Beautiful Wife...

The Cave of the Talking Heads reminds us that so long as you have someone waiting for you somewhere, you're not alone.

Hopefully, they're not waiting in ambush...


arw1985 said…
"My God, what have I done?"

This looks... weird. I know it's Jack Kirby, but where is it from?
Siskoid said…
The Manhunter story from 1st Issue Special #5.
rainswept said…
I've been reading you X-Files reviews along with my pre-revival research (I'm watching "Hell Money" as I type), & I just noticed you have House of Leaves as your currently reading. As it's my favourite novel, I doff my hat to you in this comment.

(Every year I hold a Week of Leaves on March 7th through the 14th & reread it, while inveigling my friends & family to do the same.

Anyway, back to the show.)
Siskoid said…
I come to it from a Borgesian place. I feels to me (to date, I'm only at, like, page 35) like a novel-length Borges short story (like Tlon or Pierre Menard). On my schedule, expect a capsule review in some three weeks probably.
Siskoid said…
I wanted to chime back in: Zampano in the book seems to think Pierre Menard is real! So there's your overt Borges reference.