Blade Runner: It's Happening

Blade Runner... seminal sci-fi film from the 80s. One of my favorite films of all time. It takes place in 2019, only 4 years from now, so surely there's no way its future will come to pass. Right?

Wrong. This is Shanghai. Today.
Here's the opening shot of Blade Runner's Los Angeles:
And Dubai today.
Guys, I have seen the future and its name is Blade Runner.


Wow, you run those comparison shots side by side, it really dawns on you how eerily freaky it is that those writers/director predicted how certain places and countries would look in the future. Pretty dead on really.

It happened with Back to the Future( well, somewhat. They're still working on a functioning hoverboard) but still.....
Siskoid said…
Back to the Future? You think so?

They got the 80s nostalgia all wrong. It's 90s nostalgia now!
Well, probably not with Back to the Future, but Blade Runner's future seems to be gaining steam even though realistically the technology's not there yet, but in another 30-35 years, who's to say.

I'm definitely feeling the 90's nostalgia wave myself, but that's because despite being born in the 80's(1981) I came of age in the 90's.

Thankfully the fashion and the industry hasn't made a comeback, but the quality of comics? Questionably heading towards there with the big two, while the indies plug ahead, trying to break new ground and evolve.
JDJarvis said…
Yet oddly enough no mobile phones in Ridleyville.
wordsmith said…
Didn't "Blade Runner" depict a Los Angeles where it always rained?
Siskoid said…
Yes. So, Vancouver.