Snapshots of Jimmy Olsen #45: Mr. Action

Source: Countdown #38-35 (2007)
Type: Transformations
The world's worst tribute to Jack Kirby, Countdown, also riffed on Jimmy Olsen's many Silver Age transformations by linking him to the Source Wall in such as way as to 1) attract the attention of the New Gods, and 2) make him temporarily gain crazy powers each time he was put in mortal danger. Turning elastic, firing quills like a human porcupine, turning into a giant turtle man... You'll recognize these as previous Snapshots. Though these powers manifested for longer than the span listed as the source, Jimmy only entertained the possibility of being a costumed hero in those few issues.

See, he was a bit too insistent that he should work with a big name team, like the Titans or Justice League, but couldn't prove to them that he actually did have powers. Why? Because they only worked when he was in mortal danger, and no hero would actually try to kill him in an audition.
Also, his having learned fighting from movies.

So the name Mr. Action, which he'd used way back in the 70s at the end of his own title's run (although this Mr. Action was more likely to dress up as a woman than a superhero), was quickly retired. Go back to what you do best, Jimmy. Taking pictures of other, better heroes.
