So it begins...
Still working on the next episode of Lonely Hearts, but don't despair, Bass and I have gotten together to produce one of two new podcasts from the Lonely Hearts family, and from the soon-to-be-launched Fire & Water Podcast Network, of which your humble host is the most French-Canadian of members. That podcast? First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast, covering every issue and tie-in of DC Comics' 1988 crossover event, Invasion! In our first episode, we talk about the event as a whole, and cover the comics that led into the first issue of Invasion! We call it Preludes and Rumblings, and we hope it prepares you for what's to come.
Listen to Episode 1 (the usual filthy filthy language warnings apply, but it's not too bad here) by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (39 MB).
Or subscribe to First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast on iTunes!
Here are the comics we're covering in this episode
And there's also a fair bit of talk about this awesome ad DC ran in its comics in preparation for the war to come.
Credits :
Relevant teaser clip from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" by Don Siegel, starring Kevin McCarthy
End theme music from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" score by Bernard Herrmann
"It's an Invasion" (Theme for First Strike in the bloopers) lyrics and noise by Siskoid
Bonus clips from: "X-Files Theme" by Mark Snow; "Justice League Animated Series", the Flash voiced by Michael Rosenbaum; "Shakespeare in Love" by John Madden, starring Tom Wilkinson, Geoffrey Rush and Steven O'Donnell; "Wonder Woman Theme" by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel.
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Still working on the next episode of Lonely Hearts, but don't despair, Bass and I have gotten together to produce one of two new podcasts from the Lonely Hearts family, and from the soon-to-be-launched Fire & Water Podcast Network, of which your humble host is the most French-Canadian of members. That podcast? First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast, covering every issue and tie-in of DC Comics' 1988 crossover event, Invasion! In our first episode, we talk about the event as a whole, and cover the comics that led into the first issue of Invasion! We call it Preludes and Rumblings, and we hope it prepares you for what's to come.
Listen to Episode 1 (the usual filthy filthy language warnings apply, but it's not too bad here) by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (39 MB).
Or subscribe to First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast on iTunes!
Here are the comics we're covering in this episode
And there's also a fair bit of talk about this awesome ad DC ran in its comics in preparation for the war to come.
Credits :
Relevant teaser clip from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" by Don Siegel, starring Kevin McCarthy
End theme music from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" score by Bernard Herrmann
"It's an Invasion" (Theme for First Strike in the bloopers) lyrics and noise by Siskoid
Bonus clips from: "X-Files Theme" by Mark Snow; "Justice League Animated Series", the Flash voiced by Michael Rosenbaum; "Shakespeare in Love" by John Madden, starring Tom Wilkinson, Geoffrey Rush and Steven O'Donnell; "Wonder Woman Theme" by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel.
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I'm glad you did the preliminary-strike issues as these are overlooked. It's good you both enjoyed the Veitch/Alcala Swamp thing issue as it's indicative of the strength of that post-Alan Moore run. It was darkly humorous, quirkily unafraid to use some of the odd corners of the DCU such as Arkham Asylum, Solomon Grundy, Congorilla, Hans von Hammer and Roy Raymond to name a few. Veitch only did from issue 65 to 87 as DC grew cold feet at the last minute on his infamous "Alec meets Jesus" issue which was part of his final storyline. This editorial mess also led to Neil Gaiman aborting his planned takeover of the book. Ah, imagine what could have been.
Anyway, I can't wait to hear the next episode. Cheers.
We plan on releasing an episode every three weeks, rotating weekly with other shows under the Lonely Hearts Family banner.
Invasion! is definitely the gold standard to these Secret Crisis on Infinite Wars cross-over type of things released by the Big Two; however, after being underwhelmed by Secret Wars 2, Legends and Millennium I nearly skipped the whole thing back in the day/
Continued success.
The Swamp Thing run we never got was going to be rotating authors between Gaiman, Morrison, and I think Bissette (Not sure about that third one), and all we got anywhere near it was Annual #5.
Garaujo: Can't fault you for wanting to give up after those lackluster-to-terrible crossovers (and yes, I realize them's fightin' words if you like Legends).
I do hope we have one of those big Siskoid/Bass blow-ups down the line (I seem to remember them happening in real life, but can't narrow down the specifics). Maybe he really likes The New Guardians or something.