Improvised Video Games

"My name is Siskoid and I'm a geek."
"Hi Siskoid!"

One of the things I do sometimes, and I know it's ridiculous, is play video games without there actually being a game to play with. Let me give you two examples, and you tell me if I'm a complete freakazoid, or if you do the same or something similar.

Guitar Hero Player
An evolution of air guitar, I will often sit at my computer and listen to music on my playlist with a Guitar Hero "controller" in my arms. The idea is to make believe you're playing the notes - and I once made a roommate do a double-take that I had somehow found a way to get Guitar Hero game tracks for every Pixies song - though for best results, "strum" the whammy bar and not the noisy strum button. It relaxes me. And sometimes? I'm strumming piano notes. Needs must.

No Theft Auto: Any City
Granted, there are mini-games you can play via GoogleMaps, but none of them are particularly great as far as I know. What I do from time to time is just drop myself into a city where street view is available, and drive around. Sometimes it's just my home town (set in the recent past), sometimes it's someplace exotic. Cheapest way to travel. No stunts, or crimes, or story arcs, just driving and looking out the window. You even get the thrill of speed as the street view changes in a blur of motion. It can't be worse than Pokemon Snap, right?

So I'm wondering: Does anyone else do this kind of thing? Anyone else want to come to the Geeks Anonymous podium and tell their story?

Dedicated to the person who encouraged me to write about my silly habits.


Unknown said…
Have you read William Gibson's The Peripheral? Your Google Maps adventure reminds me of a Wheelie Boy.
Siskoid said…
No! But I'll look into it!
Andrew said…
I will admit to having "driven around" in Google Street View. There's also an almost-fun Where's Waldo sort of thing you can do with satellite view where you zoom in as close to the ground as possible and look for your car.