oHOTmu or NOT Ep.3: Anaconda to Angel

A villain with a gorgeous 80s do. A badass Atlantean babe. A hippie on a baaaaaaaaaaad trip. And a feathered X-Man with a membership to the country club. Which are Hot, and which are Not? The girls weigh in!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), and Shotgun.

Listen to Episode 3 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters and concepts we cover in this episode (first page of each only).
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj; "Andromeda" starring Laura Bertram and Lexa Doig ; "Call of Duty: Black Ops" (Nixon); Ben Foster interview; "Spy" starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Statham.

Thanks for leaving a comment. The girls will love you for it!


Erich said…
Another entertaining episode! I love the idea of Andromeda stealing a pirate's boots...

The comments on Andromeda's chest made me realize that, although almost every comics artist draws women with large breasts, John Buscema was one of the few who understood realistic anatomy and gravity...
Anonymous said…
Nobody's been to Saskatchewan? Well, at least none of you said, "Yeah, I spent a month there one weekend." As for what to see out here...I'll have to think about that one. How do you feel about wheat?

Anyway, this was another great episode. I love how everybody was laughing at Anaconda and Angar before Siskoid even said anything. As far as Andromeda's boots go, I always figured they'd be full of all kinds of crap...bread crumbs, pizza crusts, used Kleenexes...it must be a hell of a mess when she takes them off!

Mike W.
Siskoid said…
I believe Elyse/Havana said she'd been. And that was the whole story.

At least people have an idea of what Saskatchewan is like. New Brunswick, I feel, is the used and abused runt of the Canadian litter. But perhaps it's just that we're at the bottom of any positive metric comparison of the provinces.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, you never hear much about New Brunswick; it's kind of the forgotten province, I guess. But from what I've heard and photos I've seen, it's kind of similar to where I live: we've both got forests, lakes, farms, and a few big cities. Of course, Saskatchewan doesn't have mountains, and there's no Acadiens here, but other than that, not too different :)

Mike W.