Saturday Morning Fever: Challenge of the Super-Friends

There's a new podcast available from the Fire & Water Network, and it doesn't really belong to any single one of us. This irregular feature could feature episodes produced by any of FW's members, and will cover a host of Saturday Morning Cartoons, I'm guessing mostly from the 70s and 80s, the Golden Age of such programming. The only constant will be Luke Daab's amazing theme song, which you can hear in the PROMO. Regardless, we did want to collaborate on the first episode, which is about a show near and dear to the entire Network...
That's right, Challenge of the Super-Friends! A key piece of my geek's journey, and it seems, not just my own. Favorite episodes, characters, goofball moments... It's all here.

So grab a bowl of your favorite sugary cereal and enjoy the first episode of SATURDAY MORNING FEVER, the newest Fire and Water Podcast Network show! Join me, Siskoid, and Ryan Daly, Chris Franklin, and Rob Kelly as we discuss one of our all-time favorite Saturday Morning cartoons, CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS!


Thanks for listening!


Green Luthor said…
Oh, I guess I'm definitely gonna have to listen to *this*. (Something of a Challenge of the Superfriends fan, if you couldn't guess...) XD