oHOTmu or NOT Ep.11: Binary to Black Crow

The former Ms. Marvel. A mute king. A sexy cat burglar. A spiritual warrior. Which are Hot, and which are Not? Let the girls tell you!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), Amélie (MeliUltraViolet) and Shotgun.

Listen to Episode 11 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: Captain Marvel announcement at ComicCon; "Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" featuring Brie Larson; "Careless Whisper" by George Michael; "Jess the Cat" by Postman Pat; "Spider-Man: The Animated Series", starring Christopher Daniel Barnes and Jennifer Hale; "Jesse's Girl" by Rick Springfield, and "Mr. Ed" theme song by Jay Livingston.

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Anonymous said…
All this goat talk makes me feel B-a-a-a-a-a-d! You forgot to mention that Dave Sim is Canadian, but maybe you wanted to keep that one quiet.

I always liked Ms. Marvel (except that fucked up storyline where she got raped/impregnated by her own son...best to forget that one); I'm glad they brought her back and made her cool again. As for Black Bolt, he's not much of a talker, but a great listener...just don't invite him to karaoke night.

Siskoid, wasn't Black Crow supposed to be the new Captain America, like Rhodey was the new Iron Man and Beta Ray Bill was the new Thor? I'm sure I read that in a DeMatteis interview someplace...supposedly another of Shooter's brilliant ideas.

Mike W.
Siskoid said…
If he was, it never happened so I don't know. Would have been interesting.
Anonymous said…
Okay, I looked it up and I guess I got it backwards: it was DeMatteis's idea and Shooter's the one who nixed it. Like you said, an interesting idea, although they probably needed to develop Black Crow a lot more before having him replace an icon.

Mike W.
Anonymous said…
Update on Black Cat. She's no longer on the fence. She went full on evil. When Doc Ock was in Spider-Man's body (comics!), he turned Felicia in, and in her anger, decided to go full villain and has since been trying to become a new Kingpin-esque crime lord. Spider-Man tried to apologize and explain what happen, but Felicia is hearing none of it. She's a big character in Silk's comic book at the moment.