IN THIS ONE... Batman and Batgirl go up against the Joker and Dick Grayson quits the Robin persona.
CREDITS: Written by Hillary J. Bader; art by Bo Hampton and Terry Beatty.
REVIEW: More on the conflict between Dick and Bruce, the last straw apparently being Batgirl's (or rather, Barbara's, that shocks him more) recruitment. Doesn't feel like a fair cop to call Batman a master manipulator who seduces young people into self-harm-by-crimefighting, but that's where Dick's head is at the moment. Bit extreme, but he's a little out of control, ready to burn his trust fund, throwing his bat-beeper away, and almost hitting an innocent in his fury. When he actually walks away from the "childish" costume and name, it's after Babs is almost killed by the Joker, so it's justifiable. Bit trantrumy, but justifiable.
I really like the sequence where Dick fights the good fight sans costume, and discovers everyday clothes aren't really designed for acrobatic fighting. Hampton's art has a slick design feel to it that makes those fights clear and exciting. Even the Joker's plan to create a no-fly zone over Gotham is represented well despite no planes being downed over the course of the issue (and bam, Batman breaks out the rocket wings seen in "World's Finest").
IN THE MAINSTREAM COMICS: The comics have given different accounts of Dick's split with Batman, including being asked to quit the Titans to concentrate on the Dynamic Duo, Batman being overprotective after Dick was shot by the Joker, and their arguing about methods as seen here.
REREADABILITY: Medium-High - An important step on the bridge between the two series, and it feels quite personal.
CREDITS: Written by Hillary J. Bader; art by Bo Hampton and Terry Beatty.
REVIEW: More on the conflict between Dick and Bruce, the last straw apparently being Batgirl's (or rather, Barbara's, that shocks him more) recruitment. Doesn't feel like a fair cop to call Batman a master manipulator who seduces young people into self-harm-by-crimefighting, but that's where Dick's head is at the moment. Bit extreme, but he's a little out of control, ready to burn his trust fund, throwing his bat-beeper away, and almost hitting an innocent in his fury. When he actually walks away from the "childish" costume and name, it's after Babs is almost killed by the Joker, so it's justifiable. Bit trantrumy, but justifiable.
I really like the sequence where Dick fights the good fight sans costume, and discovers everyday clothes aren't really designed for acrobatic fighting. Hampton's art has a slick design feel to it that makes those fights clear and exciting. Even the Joker's plan to create a no-fly zone over Gotham is represented well despite no planes being downed over the course of the issue (and bam, Batman breaks out the rocket wings seen in "World's Finest").
IN THE MAINSTREAM COMICS: The comics have given different accounts of Dick's split with Batman, including being asked to quit the Titans to concentrate on the Dynamic Duo, Batman being overprotective after Dick was shot by the Joker, and their arguing about methods as seen here.
REREADABILITY: Medium-High - An important step on the bridge between the two series, and it feels quite personal.