One Panel #114-115: A Couple of Firsts

From "The Bat-Man Meets Doctor Death" by Gardner Fox and Bob Kane, Detective Comics #29 (July 1939)

Batman crashing through the window had to happen first SOMEwhere, and here it is. It makes sense. This is what Batman thinks bats are like, even though if there's one flying animal that should be crashing through windows, it's bats!

From Hugh Hazard and His Iron Man: "Iron Monster At Large Again" by George E. Brenner, Smash Comics #1 (August 1939)

Before Tony Stark, there were a couple of Iron Men. One was a Canadian superhero from the black and white days of wartime comics rationing. The other was this bucket of bolts from Quality Comics' Smash #1. Although the issue doesn't actually feature any DC stars, Smash Comics WILL produce a number of them, so it's finally time to bring some Quality books to the evolving DC Universe, even if the company won't sell off its character catalog for some years yet.


Brendoon said…
And related, of course, English Poet laureate Ted Hughes's 1968 story "The Iron Man" which was renamed for the US. Apparently adding a "The" to the name didn't allay confusion enough (I still know STRANGE people who confuse THE Flash and Flash GORDON. I bet that's not the only example. Superman and Nietzsche's Ubermensch, perhaps? Not even a THE on that one!)
Iron Man predated the extraterrestrial metallovore by 5 years (dang, why can't the Ancient Greeks and Romans come up with a more original word for Metal???) but I don't think in '68 the name was a copyright issue, it was just so as not to confuse dummies.

In the original story The self repairing monster landed in the English countryside.
It was recommended reading in the primary schools of New Zealand, so I'd heard of THE Iron Man a cupla years before I knew Marvel Existed...
...even so, when I first heard of Iron Man, the absent "The" was readily understood.