IN THIS ONE... Inque takes over people's bodies, seeking to regain hers.
CREDITS: Written by Hilary J. Bader; art by Craig Rousseau and Rob Leigh.
REVIEW: Though I've long lost track of Inque's status (alive, dead, frozen, unstable...), she is still an intriguing character with lots of tricks up her oily sleeve, and I account this a good Inque story. The idea that she would turn herself into suits to control unwilling patsies, jumping from one to the other like Fallen, is very cool (we just catch on a bit faster than Terry does). The bit with the dog is extra fun. That she has to, just to keep her from, is a good extra wrinkle tying into her desire to become human again.
Human, or at least in control of her body. Surprisingly, she IS cured of her inky disposition, but she's still a threat. This woman is a trained assassin, after all! And her time as a polymorph have given her a kind of fearlessness that makes her kick serious ass even without her powers. Seconds after being cured, she comprises the bat-suit, explodes the lab, jumps off rooftops... And after waking up in the rubble, she finds she still has her powers, they just don't make her unstable anymore. I fully expect this story to be contradicted on the show, but restoring her to full strength makes sense in the context of a continuing superhero story.
Haven't mentioned the Batmen much, but Terry is resourceful under fire, and Bruce refers to Catwoman, so I'm happy.
REREADABILITY: Medium-High - A strong episode for Inque, using her powers in new and interesting ways and advancing her story. Whether it counts or not is a matter for another time.
CREDITS: Written by Hilary J. Bader; art by Craig Rousseau and Rob Leigh.
REVIEW: Though I've long lost track of Inque's status (alive, dead, frozen, unstable...), she is still an intriguing character with lots of tricks up her oily sleeve, and I account this a good Inque story. The idea that she would turn herself into suits to control unwilling patsies, jumping from one to the other like Fallen, is very cool (we just catch on a bit faster than Terry does). The bit with the dog is extra fun. That she has to, just to keep her from, is a good extra wrinkle tying into her desire to become human again.
Human, or at least in control of her body. Surprisingly, she IS cured of her inky disposition, but she's still a threat. This woman is a trained assassin, after all! And her time as a polymorph have given her a kind of fearlessness that makes her kick serious ass even without her powers. Seconds after being cured, she comprises the bat-suit, explodes the lab, jumps off rooftops... And after waking up in the rubble, she finds she still has her powers, they just don't make her unstable anymore. I fully expect this story to be contradicted on the show, but restoring her to full strength makes sense in the context of a continuing superhero story.
Haven't mentioned the Batmen much, but Terry is resourceful under fire, and Bruce refers to Catwoman, so I'm happy.
REREADABILITY: Medium-High - A strong episode for Inque, using her powers in new and interesting ways and advancing her story. Whether it counts or not is a matter for another time.