Launched: First Doctor 2016 Addendum

Three and a half years ago, myself and a small consortium of Doctor Who role-playing nuts launched the First Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook as a companion to the first of Cubicle 7's 50th Anniversary books. We always planned an update down the line because they keep coming out with new extracanonical adventures in print and audio, and so...
You can download (or just read) it HERE in high (printable) or low (computer screen) resolution.

In this 50-page addendum to the original book, you'll find material from all the 1st Doctor audios released by Big Finish in the past two and a half years, and a few from short stories and other sources. In fact, there are a couple of stories we either didn't have access to or plum forgot first time around, including what is arguably the first original Doctor Who "novel" published in the same format as the Doctor Who Annuals, Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space, and The Destroyers, the Sara Kingdom/Daleks audio adventure, omitted because we didn't really know what to do with abortive spin-offs at the time. Also included are a complete revised timeline for Hartnell's Doctor, adventure seeds aplenty, and even some characters from the shows that were omitted in C7's book. Allies, villains, locations, a gadget, and all of it pretty much written by my partner in all this, Peter "MisterHarry" Gilham, with only the most modest of contributions from me (layouts, mostly).

To him, my dearest thanks. To you, this gift in time for Holiday reading. Up next for us, the Fifth Doctor Sourcebook, a beast of a volume that will hopefully be out late winter or early spring. Stay tuned for some extracanonical Peter Davison action, coming soon.

And here's the table of contents of the 2016 Addendum and a few pages besides to give you a small taste.


Mallius Vane said…
The link on the download page doesn't seem to be working...for me, at least.
Siskoid said…
Fixed it, sorry about the link snafu.
Tim Knight said…
Massive thank you to you and your team for this and all the other DW RPG material you produce!
Mallius Vane said…
Brilliant. Really appreciate all the work you do on this superb material!
Randal said…
Truly amazing. I get positive Who's Who vibes printing these out. I hesitate to say, but I notice you have the "fourth" Doctor on your table of contents page for the expanded timeline.
Siskoid said…
I'm glad you said something! Just fixed it.

And thank you everyone for the kind words.