Bass and Siskoid cover Swamp Thing #81, featuring a threat from the past, and guest-starring Guy Gardner, but... no Swamp Thing? Check out this Invasion side-story before our alien overlords say you can't!
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Highlights from Swamp Thing #81 by Rick Veitch and Alfredo Alcala : That juicy sex dream, Rated PG-13:
Page comparisons between Swamp Thing (v2) #81 and Swamp Thing (v1) #9:
So was Guy Gardner always standing in that spot? Or was he drawn over someone else?
Relevant teaser clip from "The Day of the Triffids" by Steve Sekely, starring Ewan Roberts.
Bonus clips: "Swamp Thing Television Theme" by Christopher L. Stone, starring Mark Lindsey Chapman ; "Child's Play" by Tom Holland, starring Brad Dourif.
End theme music from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" score by Bernard Herrmann
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Listen to Episode 17 (the usual filthy filthy language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (35 MB).
Or subscribe to First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast on iTunes!
Highlights from Swamp Thing #81 by Rick Veitch and Alfredo Alcala : That juicy sex dream, Rated PG-13:
Page comparisons between Swamp Thing (v2) #81 and Swamp Thing (v1) #9:
So was Guy Gardner always standing in that spot? Or was he drawn over someone else?
Relevant teaser clip from "The Day of the Triffids" by Steve Sekely, starring Ewan Roberts.
Bonus clips: "Swamp Thing Television Theme" by Christopher L. Stone, starring Mark Lindsey Chapman ; "Child's Play" by Tom Holland, starring Brad Dourif.
End theme music from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" score by Bernard Herrmann
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