A video game character. A primeval demon and author. Deadly fun under the Big Top. And a queen with a crown of fire. Which are Hot, and which are Not? Find out from our panel of Lovely Ladies as we wrap up issue 2 of the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition!
Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), Amélie (AmyUltraViolet) and Shotgun.
Listen to Episode 19 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (31 MB).
Or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!
You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.
Bonus clips from: "Reboot" by Gavin Blair, starring Michael Donovan; "Army of Darkness" by Sam Raimi, starring Ian Abercrombie and Bruce Campbell; "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Cecil B. DeMille, starring Betty Hutton and Jimmy Stewart; "Black Magic Woman" by Santana; and "On Sale Now" by Daniel May.
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Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), Amélie (AmyUltraViolet) and Shotgun.
Listen to Episode 19 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (31 MB).
Or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!
You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.
Bonus clips from: "Reboot" by Gavin Blair, starring Michael Donovan; "Army of Darkness" by Sam Raimi, starring Ian Abercrombie and Bruce Campbell; "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Cecil B. DeMille, starring Betty Hutton and Jimmy Stewart; "Black Magic Woman" by Santana; and "On Sale Now" by Daniel May.
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I know that the planned fourth issue of the Questprobe mini-series eventually ran in Marvel Fanfare #33, and the Chief Examiner later reappeared in a storyline in Quasar, but I don't know whether anything about his nature, identity, or mission was actually resolved.
Siskoid, don't let anyone tell you Commodore 64s weren't cool--I had one too. I never played Questprobe, but I have fond memories of some other text-based games like Tome of Aliard and (of course) Zork.