The Cruelty of Time

Today's daily DCAU review finishes Static Shock's first season, and it's as good a time as any to take a temporary break from daily television reviews, and indeed, from posting two items a day on this here blog. For the past decade, the SBG has normally provided you with two posts a day, and between this and the other blogs I contribute to (in both official languages), I've put myself on the hook for 16 texts a week.

That's a lot of research and writing.

The next five weeks are going to make it impossible for me to sustain that rhythm. I end my work contract on March 31st, leaving a job of my own volition after 12 long years to pursue other things, and will have to train a new person for most of the remaining weeks, not to mention cleaning out a well lived-in office.

I'm also organizing two improv tournaments, on back-to-back weekends at the end of the month, one provincial and the other national, and that's going to take a lot of my time. Losing two weekends like that will certainly eat into my podcast editing, and I certainly intend to respect my commitments to the Fire and Water Network and all my recording partners. And then there's the matter of the Fifth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook, which I really want to release in early Spring.

These are the days where I dream of having the Flash's powers and unlimited stamina. In a month and a half, you may see a return to normalcy. I hope the material I do produce remains of interest to you.


Tim Knight said…
Good luck in your next venture. As to the blog, I'm pretty sure we'll all still be here when you get back ;-)
Siskoid said…
I'm still posting every day! Don't make it sound like I'll be gone!
googum said…
Congrats! And as always, aside from everything else you do here, I've always admired your dedication. I'm 90% sure you're the only blogger that could say they're cutting back to once a day...
Eric TF Bat said…
Wait... you mean you have a job? You're not an anonymous septillionaire with chemically enhanced insomnia and a typing speed of 10,000wpm? How the frak do you do all this movie watching, comic reading, podcasting and blogging? Has Canada done something weird with its timezones so you have 60 hours in every day?

Naaah - you're the Flash. It's pretty obvious. I'm not fooled!
Siskoid said…
I thought the whole point of this post was to say I wasn't ;-)

Just passionate about what I do. Also, no kids. Parents would be AMAZED at what kind of time saver than can be.
abc said…
Always enjoy your posts, no matter the frequency...