Krypto #65: Nypto

From: Superboy #126 (January 1966)

Second in a series looking at Krypto's family line... This time his grandfather Nypto (starting to see a pattern), who belonged to the dad in the previous story (Krypto was a giveaway, but Nypto and Zypto were in the same family), i.e. the poorly named Dik-Ki. And he was sort of a dalmatian. The dog, not Dik-Ki. No Dik-Ki was a big cheater when it came to homework.
Take notes like Nypto, because there'll be a test later. In addition to not being very good with geography, Dik-Ke is also an irresponsible dog owner. See how he sends Nypto across town to the beach after seeing a meteor arc across the sky:
Very poor use of canine resources. It was no meteor anyway, it was aliens bent on taking a few animal samples from Krypton so they turn them into giants and end a famine on their world. Good people, right? Well, until they start talking about eating dogs...
Running from the aliens is one thing, hiding is another when you're that size. But remember those geographical flash cards from earlier? Nypto sees that magnetic mountain and remembers, and he steers the would-be dognappers into it. Losing control, they crash into the rock.
And that's how Krypto's grandpa gained then lost super-powers, and how Jor-El wound up spinning this tale as if it were a GOOD thing the aliens presumably starved because Krypton wouldn't give up two tiny fish. I'm not sure we're learning the right lessons...

Of course, it hardly matters considering that, unless the aliens come from a red sun system, the animals would be impossible to slaughter once there!
