oHOTmu or NOT Ep.21: Cloak to Collector

A dark avenger of the Just Say No generation. A puff of gas. G.I. Joe's greatest enemy (oops, wrong one). And someone not quite as eccentric as Benicio del Toro. Which are Hot, and which are Not? Find out from our panel of Lovely Ladies as we take on issue 3 of the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, Amélie and Shotgun.

Listen to Episode 21 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: "Marvel's Cloak & Dagger" starring Olivia Holt, Aubrey Joseph and Gloria Reuben; KTLA weather report by Liberte Chan, feat. Chris Bouros; "The Jungle Book" by Wolfgang Reitherman, starring Sterling Holloway and Bruce Reitherman; "Cobra Theme Song" from "G.I. Joe: The Movie" by Ford Kinder and Spencer Michlin(?); "Guardians of the Galaxy" by James Gunn and "Thor: The Dark World" by Alan Taylor, both starring Benicio Del Toro; "We Have the Technology" written and performed by Elyse Hamel; and "Tremors" by  Ron Underwood.

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Anonymous said…
To think, I went my whole life without hearing the phrase "slithering up my nethers"; well, whatever you're into is cool, just remember to practice safe slithering.

I think Cloud's gender-fluidity was a case of "avoiding homosexual themes"; I think the male version of Cloud first manifested when the female Cloud was attracted to Moondragon and felt "weird" about it. Kind of ironic, considering how Moondragon ended up being bisexual later on. As for the weirdness of Cloud being a sentient nebula, wait till you get to Ego.

And if the thought of Cobra having a jaw that unhinges freaks them out, you may want to skip Cottonmouth :)

Mike W.
Siskoid said…
Shhh spoilers. I thought it was hilarious that they hit upon something that's only a couple episodes away. They'll be properly grossed out.
Erich said…
Like the new intro sequence!

We were initially led to believe that Cloud's male form was indeed simply a gender-swapped version of her female form, which is why Cloud's two bodies look so similar...it wasn't until later that it was revealed that both of her forms were based on existing humans. Fair enough, but to reveal that they were a dating couple who looked almost exactly alike--that was just weird. It might have made more sense if it had been revealed that her "templates" were a brother and sister who crashed their car driving home from school.

I like the idea of an Elder of the Universe whose obsession is knitting...somebody at Marvel needs to make that happen!

Favorite line about the Collector: "He's made of heavy!"