The Fire & Water Podcast Network is hard at work on new mini and maxi series, and in this episode of FW Presents, we'll give you "Episode 0" of two of them: FW Team-Up (Siskoid, Network and friends) and Kung Fu Friday (Siskoid and Dr. G), plus a preview of Superman Movie Minute (Rob and Chris), all releasing episodes in 2017. Get in on the ground floor!
Listen to FW Presents: Coming Attractions HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (21 MB).
We're finding our joy, and hope it'll intersect with yours!
Listen to FW Presents: Coming Attractions HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (21 MB).
We're finding our joy, and hope it'll intersect with yours!