The original home of Green Arrow, Star City (on TV once known as Starling City), has been through some $#!%. Remember at the tail end of post-Crisis continuity, during the events of the seems-like-it-was-badly-named Brightest Day, when THIS happened to the metropolis?
Well, whatever its problems in the present day (everything from rampant crime and inequity necessitating a Robin Hood figure to mysterious on-the-nose landscaping), we've known since 1968 that Star City would make it. According to Adventure Comics #364, Star City didn't wait for Earth to blow up in the Five Years Later era to take to the stars.
Probably took its name to heart a touch too much, but hey, if it works for them! Note that they kept the green motif! I wonder if Oli-3 originally came from there.
Regardless, he lives in Metropolis now, so maybe something bad happened to Star City again.
Well, whatever its problems in the present day (everything from rampant crime and inequity necessitating a Robin Hood figure to mysterious on-the-nose landscaping), we've known since 1968 that Star City would make it. According to Adventure Comics #364, Star City didn't wait for Earth to blow up in the Five Years Later era to take to the stars.
Probably took its name to heart a touch too much, but hey, if it works for them! Note that they kept the green motif! I wonder if Oli-3 originally came from there.
Regardless, he lives in Metropolis now, so maybe something bad happened to Star City again.