July 1st is Canada Day, and to celebrate, Siskoid is launching FW Team-Up, and the Irredeemable Shagg is joining him to talk about Marvel Team-Up Annual #7, starring Spider-Man and Canada's premiere super-team, Alpha Flight! Fire & Water was built around the whole idea of team-ups, it's about time it had a show dedicated to the network's philosophy!
Listen to the Spidey-Alpha Flight FW Team-Up by clicking HERE!
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Highlights from Marvel Team-Up Annual #7, by Louise Simonson, Paul Neary and Sam de la Rosa:
The Collector's Arabian Nights collection:
Spider-Man is caught in the web of Alpha Flight's drama.
Marrina's in the story, so of course, so are the Plodex. And Sasquatch shows his strength, but does he know who the real enemy is?
Spider-Man and Puck team up to resolve the story.
A Walt Simonson swipe?
The issue's "friendly farewell". But how friendly?
And because we must, some sexy action between black-suited Spider-Man and the slinky Black Cat!
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.
Bonus clips from: "Blame Canada" by Trey Parker; and "O Canada" by Calixa Lavallée, English lyrics by Robert Stanley, from the French original by Adolphe-Basile Routhier.
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Listen to the Spidey-Alpha Flight FW Team-Up by clicking HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (29 MB).
Or subscribe to FW Team-Up on iTunes!
Highlights from Marvel Team-Up Annual #7, by Louise Simonson, Paul Neary and Sam de la Rosa:
The Collector's Arabian Nights collection:
Spider-Man is caught in the web of Alpha Flight's drama.
Marrina's in the story, so of course, so are the Plodex. And Sasquatch shows his strength, but does he know who the real enemy is?
Spider-Man and Puck team up to resolve the story.
A Walt Simonson swipe?
The issue's "friendly farewell". But how friendly?
And because we must, some sexy action between black-suited Spider-Man and the slinky Black Cat!
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.
Bonus clips from: "Blame Canada" by Trey Parker; and "O Canada" by Calixa Lavallée, English lyrics by Robert Stanley, from the French original by Adolphe-Basile Routhier.
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As an aside I think the bright, traditional superhero costumes were chosen to look great on the old print method with its 64 colour palate.