oHOTmu or NOT Ep.24: Crossfire to Cyclops

A one-eyed assassin. A retro Christian. The cutest of the Inhumans. A faux Greek goddess. An X-Man with a thing for redheads (I know, doesn't narrow it down). Which are Hot, and which are Not? Find out from our panel of Lovely Ladies in their first ever 5-character take-down!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, Amélie and Shotgun, and special guest star, the Legion of Super-Bloggers' Science Girl herself, Ann Marie!

Listen to Episode 24 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.


"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: "Hot Cross Buns" by LittleBabyBum; "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" by Terry Gilliam, starring Graham Chapman and Graham Chapman; "Lego Marvel's Avengers" starring Gwendoline Yeo; "She Does the Woods" by The Shadow Puppets; "X-Men" by Bryan Singer, starring Hugh Jackman and James Marsden; and "Don't Get Pregnant Amelie" by The Girls.

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Anonymous said…
Welcome to the cross-themed episode ... or is that crotch-themed? Crusader: Yeah, you know you're in trouble when you get kicked out of seminary for being too religious. And I don't know what's up with his cape; it's almost like he has invisible shoulder pads or something.

Crystal: Now that they mentioned it, I totally see the Kim Possible thing ... but I think she has Shego's gloves.

(By the way, Siskoid: Human Torch isn't a jerk? Spider-Man might disagree with that :))

What does Cybele the hippie do all day in Colorado? Well, marijuana HAS been legalized there, so ...

Cyclops: Yeah, he's boring. Nuff said.

(Oh, I almost forgot ... Bang bang!)

Mike W.
Anonymous said…
Another fun episode, as always.

I'm so glad Cyclops never ended up with that costume. The way the yellow dips down into his inner thighs makes it look like he has crotch fangs.

As for Crystal's hair, the black band is actually part of her hair, not something to hold it back. They even gave her that look in the new Inhumans show that's coming up on ABC.
Captain Entropy said…
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Captain Entropy said…
Thank you for another great episode!

Original Cyclops was never too mature. He could've loosened up if he were. He was the insecure kid trying to be mature. Of course now, he's just belligerent, militant, and insufferably superior. He was more likable in his earnest hall monitor mode.

Remember in the movies how Wolverine proved he wasn't Mystique? Now THAT was funny.
Captain Entropy said…
And I agreed with all their thoughts and feelings on Crystal -- a charming and sympathetic character with an unfortunate affinity for arrogant egotists. At least they're well-meaning, and they've both mellowed. Quicksilver as portrayed in Avengers Academy had even learned some life lessons.