The Warriors Three Are Really...

So there I am, chatting with fellow Fire and Water peeps about all things Kirby and favorite Marvel characters and so on, when my First Strike Invasion partner Bass mentions his love of Volstagg, which stems from his love of Porthos in the... Three... Musketeers...


So how did I never make that connection?! Volstagg as Porthos, Fandral as Aramis, Hogun the Grim as Athos, which makes Balder d'Artagnan (or Thor if you'd rather, or Sif in the movies)... It's so obvious! How did I never see it?!

Well, I'm going to go to bed marginally smarter tonight. Once I get done picking up the pieces of my mind that's been blown all over the living room.

What are YOUR favorite semi-hidden literary appropriations?


tomg said…
I remember picking up and reading Lorna Doone (1869) by Richard Blackmore and immediately making the connection to Lorna Dane of the X-Men. In fact, the story arc that introduced Polaris closely follows the book which is about a young woman who believes she is the daughter of a powerful criminal but, after falling in love with the noble hero, she discovers that she is not really related at all.