One Panel #237: The Hourman Fan Club

From Hourman: "The Minute Men of America" by Bernard Bailey, Adventure Comics #53 (August 1940)

Of all the characters to get a fan club at this point in DC history - albeit an in-universe fan club - Hourman would not have been the obvious choice. I guess it came down to the Revolutionary War's Minute Men being right there for the taking. And so, in this story, Hourman capitalizes on the ham radio craze to rope a kid into his new youth group.

Better not think of Hourman's drug angle at this point.

(To their credit, they appeared at least a dozen more times through the Golden Age, so it's not just a one-shot deal.)


Kurt Onstad said…
Anyone else hear/read "We do!" and immediately go to the Stonecutter's song?
Anonymous said…

Who pops pills at every hour? Who enjoys that rush of power?
We do! We do!