FW Team-Up: Batman and Captain America

FW Team-Up tackles its first DC-Marvel crossover duo with John Byrne's Elseworlds, Batman & Captain America! And to do so, Siskoid welcomes oHOTmu or NOT's Amelie Montour who is a huge fan of Captain America's buns. Among other attributes. Listen... or Else! (Get it? See what we did there?)

Listen to the Batman-Cap FW Team-Up by clicking HERE!

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Highlights from Batman & Captain America by John Byrne:
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.

Bonus clips from: "Gunfight in the Ruins" from Medal of Honor: Airborne, music by Mike Giacchino; "Captain America: The First Avenger", score by Alan Silvestri; and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" by Jon Watts, featuring Chris Evans.

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