What Next For Fridays: Deep Dive Into Labels

Having lost Friday's Dial H feature, I was plunged into reflection. What next? Is there another franchise I want to explore as thoroughly as Dial H for Hero? Not sure. Anyway, I've already got a Krypto feature, don't I? Should I revive an older feature, but risk getting disinterested the way I obviously did when I quit it in the first place? Keep it as a fluid spot? Well, that's how I treat my Mondays! Which categories haven't received enough love over the last 12 years?

Looking at my list of labels (what Blogger calls Categories), it hits me.

I should do a post that fits each category in turn from "5 Reasons To Like" all the way down to "Zine", in order. Sometimes that will revive an old feature, sometimes I'll struggle to find something new to say, it might even spawn something new to shunt to other days. We'll play it by ear. I'll even list the last time the label was properly used on the Blog of Geekery so you know how long it's lain fallow.

So starting next week, we're trying this. Hope you'll join me and that you won't have to wait too long for your favorites (sorry, X-Men fans).
