FW Team-Up: Spider-Man and Frankenstein's Monster

It's the day before Halloween, Devils' Night! And we have a treat for you courtesy of Siskoid and Cory Drew - Spider-Man and Frankenstein's Monster (with some pinch hitting from Man-Wolf), from Marvel Team-Up #36-37 (1975). It's a team-up perfect for the season! Definitely in the "treat" department.

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Highlights from Marvel Team-Up #36-37, by Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta:
Spider-Man kicking ass before having to unexpectedly leave for Europe:
Things get Gothic, and our heroes meet, but not in the best of circumstances.
What happens when Olympic skiers have to find a job and only super villains are hiring:
Meet Agent 324, she's also a hero of this story:
And Man-Wolf completes the trick-or-treating posse!
The Monster Maker details his plans (he's not mad, honest!):
Man-Wolf loses a prospective mate:
The double-entendres trip off the tongue in the panel we dared not discuss.
Frank and Spidey almost lose their hands.
The Monster Maker, defeated (at birth, if you ask me).
Spider-Man must save Man-Wolf (no brainer, dude!).
The sad farewell:
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.

Bonus clips from: 1931 "Frankenstein Theme" by Bernhard Kaun; "The Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett; "The Lonely Man Theme" from The Incredible Hulk, by Joe Harnell; "I'm Tired" by Madeline Kahn, from "Blazing Saddles"; 1994 "Frankenstein Theme" by Patrick Doyle; and "Frankenstein" by James Whale, starring Colin Clive.

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Poor Frankie....and Jameson. Luckily things get better for him, not sure about Frankie though. Didn't he wind up joining SHIELD's Howling Commandos later on though?

No kidding about that double-entendre. I know a friend on Twitter who'll just love that one.
Siskoid said…
Comics Out Of Context will have a field day.