Starting on comics on the stands in April of 1941...
From Justice Society of America: "The Mysterious Mister X" by Sheldon Moldoff, All-Star Comics #5 (June 1941)
Well, she becomes HawkMAN to confound criminals, but that bikini top's not going to fool anyone. Shiera Sanders keeps using Carter Hall's extra wings until she formally adopts the identity of Hawkgirl. From girlfriend to superhero in her own right - and some might say more popular than the male model these days - in about a year and a half. That's not bad. And it really starts in All-Star Comics #5, a JSA story. She does get shot for her trouble, as does Dr. Fate's girlfriend Inza, while Dian Belmont, Sandman's paramour, gets kidnapped. It's open war on the girlfriends! At least Shiera got a nice gig out of it.
From Justice Society of America: "The Mysterious Mister X" by Sheldon Moldoff, All-Star Comics #5 (June 1941)
Well, she becomes HawkMAN to confound criminals, but that bikini top's not going to fool anyone. Shiera Sanders keeps using Carter Hall's extra wings until she formally adopts the identity of Hawkgirl. From girlfriend to superhero in her own right - and some might say more popular than the male model these days - in about a year and a half. That's not bad. And it really starts in All-Star Comics #5, a JSA story. She does get shot for her trouble, as does Dr. Fate's girlfriend Inza, while Dian Belmont, Sandman's paramour, gets kidnapped. It's open war on the girlfriends! At least Shiera got a nice gig out of it.
It's buck wild.
Anon: Probably, though maybe it should have been boots.