oHOTmu or NOT's Siskoid and Nathalie go to the movies a lot, so they kind of have to podcast about it. Leading to their Top 10 films of the year, they take us through all the 2018 releases they saw in theaters. So get yourself some pop corn and sit back.
Listen to FW Presents: 2018 at the Movies right HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (39 MB).
Leave us a comment and we'll see you at the movies (cuz we're always there, apparently)!
Listen to FW Presents: 2018 at the Movies right HERE!
Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (39 MB).
Leave us a comment and we'll see you at the movies (cuz we're always there, apparently)!