Circles of Geek Hell: The Productivity Cycle

Category: Circles of Hell
Last article published: 27 March 2015
This is the 6th post under this label
Being a card-carrying geek means you don't have a lack of obsessive hobbies, and obsessions get in life's way. With only so many hours in the day, there's only so much you can read, play, watch or listen to, and that's if you're only on the "consumer" end of things. When you also fancy yourself a content creator, taking your hobbies to the next level, time dissolves right in front of you.

I'll take my own situation as a potential template for this Circle of Hell. I write 9 posts a week (7 on this blog, it used to be 14). I produce half a dozen podcasts (at least one a week), guesting in others'. I am involved in a massive Doctor Who RPG sourcebook project. I have a role-playing group that I must cater to. And of course, there's the whole improv side of things that's been out of control for 30 years. Don't ask me what I'm doing this weekend, or the next 4 weekends. You're going to see Avengers: Endgame. I'm going to be on some improv-related trip.

And I can't stop myself. I've recently been dared to create a collectible card game for the Fire and Water Podcast Network that reflects how podcasts work, and within days, I had working rules; the graphic part is going to be a bitch, but once that's licked, card production is going to be quick (remember the Unauthorized Doctor Who CCG? How many thousands of cards did I make?). But do I have time for that?! Oh, and I've been tinkering with a Golden Age Who's Who too... Who cares if I have "time"? I'll never have ENOUGH of it anyway. Might as well lean into it and try to do everything before I succumb to fatigue, which coincidentally, is more and more a reality as my body gives out.

So is it a Circle of Hell to accumulate more and more interests, and more and more things you want to do, even as youthful energy leaves you? Or is it just Life? Hell will feel kind of redundant.
